How saajal anonymous review system helps understand your employee needs?

For effective human resource management, keeping a Feedback System for employees in place is pivotal. The true collaborative spirit of an organization can only be unleashed if employees feel empowered to speak their hearts out to their upper management.

The guiding principle behind collecting feedback is to develop a workplace culture that takes all stakeholders on board and keeps them engaged. This serves as an improvement mechanism: feedback collected from employees that have reservations gives an in-depth insight into the shortcomings of the workplace experience. Otherwise, it remains a logistical nightmare for organizations to consistently check up on employees, evaluate their personal behavior, and make necessary interventions in the instance of violation of core-values.

The Dilemma of Gathering Feedback

While the importance of gathering feedback and reviews from employees is essential for the improvement of a workplace, on the whole, the process of gathering feedback is uniquely difficult to implement for a variety of reasons.

First and foremost, it is highly likely that employees do not feel comfortable while voicing their reservations because there is always a looming fear of facing punishment or backlash from the vast majority when their identity is revealed. Furthermore, every organizational structure has a hierarchy in place. This leads to a toxic power dynamic in which juniors feel hesitant and unworthy when it comes to critiquing the behavior of their bosses or senior colleagues. As a boss, you might feel that you are approachable for your employee, but research shows that every boss has a natural cult of personality that makes them scary to talk to.

By the same principle, employees of the upper management have an inflated sense of arrogance and pride, owing to their extensive experience which deters them from acknowledging the criticism that comes from lower ranks of the workforce. In a nutshell, the hierarchical power structure of an organization is shaped in such a manner that it leaves various barriers for people to speak up and voice their reservations.

Given the gravity of these problems, an anonymous feedback system is required so that employees do not fear the consequences of revealing their identity in the form of social outcasting, workplace isolation, and a complacent professional career.

Educational Institutions: How They Benefit From Anonymous Feedback

While studying a lecture, there are many instances in which students cannot understand what the teacher is saying. At this time, these students want to stop, ask a question, and try to understand the matter being delivered, but unfortunately, there are several factors that stop them.

First, is the probability of being shy. Hurling a question in a class of hundreds of students is no less than a theater performance: it can be very intimidating even for the most confident student. Shyness stops students from engaging with a lecture and this can leave gaps in knowledge.

There are also students that belong to a minority in a specific field of study. For example, a general stereotype exists that there are fewer women in STEM courses. This stereotype reinforces itself in class and permeates a lack of self-esteem and identity.

Many students also struggle with verbal communication, specifically those that come from primitive areas. This makes it very difficult for them to construct a verbal query in a little time with an appropriate structure and grammar so that the lecturer can understand it. This fear of making no sense while speaking deters them from asking any questions about a topic.

The problems identified above heighten the importance of an Internal Anonymous communication channel- one that protects the identity of students but also empowers them to facilitate their journey of seeking knowledge. This channel can level the playing field when it comes to gaining knowledge in an educational institute. If students do not get the opportunity to ask a question, then they are likely to develop a habit for life in which they always settle for the confusion, and this can alter their life significantly.

The Solution: Internal Anonymous Communication

Recognizing the immense disadvantage that students face and the huge human resource management problem in workplaces, we are building an Internal Anonymous Communication System that can be used by various organizations such as businesses and educational institutes, to continually improve productive engagement between stakeholders.

The principle behind this system is to circumvent the hurdles that are faced by employees and students when they feel increasingly confused in a given situation but cannot give feedback openly because it reveals their identity and subjects them to peer pressure and backlash.

Addressing Significant Problems In Workplaces and Educational Institutes

Habits of A Workplace Colleague

In every organization, employees have to work in unison to achieve collective productivity goals. During professional affiliations, if a certain employee has upsetting habits then it can spoil the peace of mind of fellow colleagues. These habits can take the shape of being too loud while working, not organizing the clutter on a desk, being non-cooperative and rude with others, and other habits of similar nature.

Using the revolutionary Internal Anonymous Communication System, colleagues can send direct messages to the employee so that they can work on their attitude and improve it.

Voicing Concerns To Upper Management

Since every hierarchical workplace has a power dynamic that deters junior employees from speaking their hearts out, the Internal Anonymous Communication System can be used to make communication more accessible for junior employees. They can raise important issues for the management to take notice of such as workplace harassment, and suggestions to improve the office environment.

The upper management can similarly reciprocate. Using the direct anonymous messaging service, they can launch warnings towards an employee that is disrupting the work ethic by coming late, leaving early, or not meeting vital deadlines.

Overcoming Gaps In Student Knowledge

The most important consequence of students not voicing their educational queries manifests itself through gaps in knowledge. This can be particularly problematic for minority students that only have access to upward social mobility through education. If while learning, they cannot engage with the course and instructor, they are likely to develop a bad habit for future learning and crush their self-esteem and professional career.

An Internal Anonymous Communication channel stimulates educational engagement, allowing disadvantaged students to learn better, without enduring peer pressure and the fear of being called out.

Conclusion: Anonymous Empowered Engagement

Workplaces and Educational Institutes thrive on feedback. During the process of gathering feedback, the power dynamics between stakeholders and the individual circumstances of employees and students make it extremely difficult to engage with the system. When these disadvantages are coupled with revealing their identity, the choice of speaking up dissolves. There is a need to empower employees and students in workplaces and educational institutes. Not only does this allow individuals to be more productive, but also brings more prestige to the organization as a whole.

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